Every Pebble an Adventure
There’s no doubt about it, the world is an incredible place. Our problem as adults is that we are so habituated to seeing the world around us we often forget it’s wonder. However, a child doesn’t look at the world this way. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this viewpoint again?!
I was visiting a relative this weekend with my 2 week old baby and 2 year old son. My newborn was receiving lots of cuddles and this gave me a chance to play with my son and watch him explore his surroundings. Although there is repetition to what he liked: hiding behind a door or cabinet; running away when you say “ready, steady…go” or never ceasing to grow tired of walking up and down steps, I loved watching him explore and make periodic stops to take in the world. He would stop every now and then to look at something, jog on the spot and laugh. He would look at me as if he wanted me to share in his excitement. Although I didn’t quite know what tickled him I would smile and be excited as it was so wonderful to see his joy.
We explored the garden and it occurred to me that everything in the garden was new to him: new plants; different paths which were effectively a maze,and an intriguing glass house with the most wonderful sliding door. He pottered around for such a long time re-running the same route and babbling to himself. He absolutely loved it and I was there sharing it with him. It got me thinking how amazing the garden must be for him and what he might be thinking as he re-ran his route… would he be thinking up a story in his head? Would he be looking for objects to associate words to? Would he be looking for a means of escape from my gaze to go independently exploring? Who will know?
I’ve rambled on but other than thoroughly enjoying spending time with my family today, I want to start looking at my world with fresh young eyes. I am so accustomed to being busy and this allows stress in. I need to start looking at the world as if it’s the first time I’ve seen the colour green, the sky or just the pavement I walk along. If I can appreciate the world likes child does even for a moment during each day then maybe it will slow me down enough to stop me stressing and keep me topped up with a feeling of contentment and happiness. Be careful you might just spot me stopping when I’m out and about and just laughing… would that be such a bad thing?
What would you look at with fresh eyes today?
Thanks for reading